Gender pay gap report

William Davis Limited

Gender Pay Report 2023

William Davis Ltd belongs to the Broadthorpe Ltd group of companies and is the only company in the group required to report on Gender Pay as it employees over 250. The prime activity of William Davis Ltd is house-building and the majority of employees included in this report are construction operatives directly engaged in that activity on construction sites. All Managerial and Administrative staff are employed in a sister company within the group and are not included in the Gender Pay data reported below.

The construction industry has traditionally been made up of a majority male workforce, and our business is no different. We recognise that we will not be able to change the under representation of women in our business overnight, however there are increasing UK wide external initiatives that are promoting females in construction, and businesses are seeing more females entering the industry.

Most construction operatives are not paid by the hour but receive a piecework payment for the value of the work they do, and this affects the calculation of the average hourly rate for Males. Construction operatives paid piecework at the snapshot date 5 April 2023 represented 69% of the total number of employees and there were no females paid piecework.

Pay trends are similar to the previous year as the nature of employees remains consistent.

Whilst as a business we currently employ less women than men we are confident that both men and women are paid equally for performing equivalent roles across our business.

The hourly pay gap reported below is as expected due to piecework rates.

Hourly Pay Gap
Mean 50%
Median 53%

Bonus payments are paid to all employees subject to a minimum length of service. Bonus payments paid to construction operatives, who qualify for a bonus, receive a fixed amount dependent upon length of service and the differences reported below are to be expected.

Proportion of Employees receiving a bonus
Male 70%
Female 25%
Bonus Pay Gap Mean
Mean 68%
Median 68%
Quartiles Male Female
Upper (75 – 100%) 100% 0%
Upper middle (50 – 75%) 100% 0%
Lower middle (25 – 50%) 98% 2%
Lower (0 – 25%) 95% 5%


I confirm that the information and data provided in this report is accurate and in line with the UK Government’s Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. William Davis Ltd believes in being an inclusive and diverse organisation where anyone can reach their full potential.

Guy Higgins

Managing Director


William Davis Limited

Gender Pay Report 2022

William Davis Ltd belongs to the Broadthorpe Ltd group of companies and is the only company in the group required to report on Gender Pay as it employees over 250. The prime activity of William Davis Ltd is house-building and the majority of employees included in this report are construction operatives directly engaged in that activity on construction sites. All Managerial and Administrative staff are employed in a sister company within the group and are not included in the Gender Pay data reported below.

The construction industry has traditionally been made up of a majority male workforce, and our business is no different. We recognise that we will not be able to change the under representation of women in our business overnight, however there are increasing UK wide external initiatives that are promoting females in construction, and businesses are seeing more females entering the industry.

Most construction operatives are not paid by the hour but receive a piecework payment for the value of the work they do, and this affects the calculation of the average hourly rate for Males. Construction operatives paid piecework at the snapshot date 5 April 2022 represented 68% of the total number of employees and there were no females paid piecework.

Pay trends are similar to the previous year as the nature of employees remains consistent.

Whilst as a business we currently employ less women than men we are confident that both men and women are paid equally for performing equivalent roles across our business.

The hourly pay gap reported below is as expected due to piecework rates.

Hourly Pay Gap
Mean 51%
Median 53%

Bonus payments are paid to all employees subject to a minimum length of service. Bonus payments paid to construction operatives, who qualify for a bonus, receive a fixed amount dependent upon length of service and the differences reported below are to be expected.

Proportion of Employees receiving a bonus
Male 66%
Female 40%
Bonus Pay Gap Mean
Mean 58%
Median 58%
Quartiles Male Female
Upper (75 – 100%) 100% 0%
Upper middle (50 – 75%) 100% 0%
Lower middle (25 – 50%) 99% 1%
Lower (0 – 25%) 94% 6%


I confirm that the information and data provided in this report is accurate and in line with the UK Government’s Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. William Davis Ltd believes in being an inclusive and diverse organisation where anyone can reach their full potential.

Guy Higgins

Managing Director

William Davis Ltd 2021

Gender Pay Report

William Davis Ltd belongs to the Broadthorpe Ltd group of companies and is the only company in the group required to report on Gender Pay as it employs over 250. The prime activity of William Davis Ltd is house-building and the majority of employees included in this report are construction operatives directly engaged in that activity on construction sites. All Managerial and Administrative staff are employed in a sister company within the group and are not included in the Gender Pay data reported below.

The construction industry has traditionally been made up of a majority male workforce, and our business is no different. We recognise that we will not be able to change the under representation of women in our business overnight, however there are increasing UK wide external initiatives that are promoting females in construction, and businesses are seeing more females entering the industry.

Most construction operatives are not paid by the hour but receive a piecework payment for the value of the work they do, and this affects the calculation of the average hourly rate for Males. Construction operatives paid piecework at the snapshot date 5 April 2021 represented 70% of the total number of employees and there were no females paid piecework.

Pay trends are similar to the previous year as the nature of employees remains consistent.

Whilst as a business we currently employ less women than men we are confident that both men and women are paid equally for performing equivalent roles across our business.

The hourly pay gap reported below is as expected due to piecework rates.

Hourly Pay Gap
Mean 52%
Median 55%

Bonus payments are paid to all employees subject to a minimum length of service. Bonus payments paid to construction operatives, who qualify for a bonus, receive a fixed amount dependent upon length of service and the differences reported below are to be expected.

Proportion of Employees receiving a bonus
Male 70%
Female 67%
Bonus Pay Gap Mean
Mean 58%
Median 58%
Quartiles Male Female
Upper (75 – 100%) 100% 0%
Upper middle (50 – 75%) 100% 0%
Lower middle (25 – 50%) 100% 0%
Lower (0 – 25%) 95% 5%


I confirm that the information and data provided in this report is accurate and in line with the UK Government’s Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Guy Higgins Managing Director

William Davis Limited 2020

Gender Pay Report

William Davis Ltd belongs to the Broadthorpe Ltd group of companies and is the only company in the group required to report on Gender Pay. The prime activity of William Davis Ltd is house-building and the majority of employees included in this report are directly engaged in that activity on construction sites. All Managerial and Administrative staff are employed in a sister company within the group and are not included in the Gender Pay data reported below.

The total number of employees included in this Gender Pay Report is 327: Total Males included – 321 Total Females included – 6

Because of the nature of the work undertaken, and the fact that trades in our wider industry have been historically more appealing to men, it is notable that female employees comprise a minority of our construction workforce. We recognise that we will not be able to change the under representation of women in construction overnight, however we are encouraging more female apprentices who are included in our data below.

Pay trends are similar to the previous year as the number and nature of employees remains consistent. Most construction operatives are not paid by the hour but receive a piecework payment for the value of the work they do, and this affects the calculation of the average hourly rate for Males. Construction operatives paid piecework at the snapshot date 5 April 2020 represented 70% of the total number of employees and there were no females paid piecework. Where employees are paid on an hourly rate, the rate paid reflects the role and level of responsibility of that employee and the same rate is paid to both men and women for doing the equivalent job.

The hourly pay gap reported below is as expected due to piecework rates.

Hourly Pay Gap
Mean 59%
Median 60%

Bonus payments are paid to all employees subject to a minimum length of service. Bonus payments paid to construction operatives, who qualify for a bonus, receive a fixed amount dependent upon length of service and the differences reported below are to be expected.

Proportion of Employees receiving a bonus
Male 65%
Female 50%
Bonus Pay Gap Mean
Mean 81%
Median 84%
Quartiles Male Female
Upper (75 – 100%) 100% 0%
Upper middle (50 – 75%) 100% 0%
Lower middle (25 – 50%) 100% 0%
Lower (0 – 25%) 93% 7%


I confirm that the information and data provided in this report is accurate and in line with the UK Government’s Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

Guy Higgins
Managing Director


William Davis Ltd 2018

Gender Pay Report

William Davis Ltd belongs to a group of companies and is the only company in the group required to report on Gender Pay. The prime activity of William Davis Ltd is house-building and the majority of employees included in this report are directly engaged in that activity on construction sites. All Managerial and Administrative staff are employed in a sister company within the group and are not included in the Gender Pay data reported below.

The total number of employees included in this Gender Pat Report is 322: Total Males included – 300 Total Females included – 22

Pay trends are similar to the previous year as the number and nature if the employees remains consistent. Most constructive operatives are not paid by the hour but receive a piecework payment for the value of the work they do, and this is affects the calculation of the average hourly rate for Males. Construction operatives paid piecework for the snapshot date 5 April 2018 represented 63% of the total number of employees and there were no females paid piecework. Where employees are paid an hourly rate, the rate is reflects the role and level of responsibility of that employee and the same rate paid to both men and women for doing the equivalent job across the company.

The hourly pay gap reported below is as expected due to the piecework rates.

Hourly Pay Gap
Mean 32.9%
Median 24.6%

Bonus payments are paid to all employees dependant upon length of service. Bonus payments to monthly paid salaried staff reflect the level of responsibility and the number of hours worked, whereas all weekly paid construction operatives, who qualify for a bonus, receive the same amount.

The bonus Gap reported above indicated tat average bonus paid to females as being greater than that paid to males. This is due to the that fact that the figures are averaged overall employees and that construction operatives represent 84% of the total number of employees paid a bonus. In reality both males and females are paid the equivalent bonus.

Proportion of Employees receiving a bonus
Male 62.8%
Female 72.7%
Bonus Pay Gap Mean
Mean -75.9%
Median -168.9%

(A negative percentage indicates females were paid more than males)

Because of the nature of the work undertaken, and the fact that trades in our wider industry have been historically more appealing to men, it is notable that female employees comprise a minority of our workforce.

Quartiles Male Female
Upper (75 – 100%) 100% 0%
Upper middle (50 – 75%) 100% 0%
Lower middle (25 – 50%) 79.9% 20.3%
Lower (0 – 25%) 92.4% 7.6%